Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

  May all of you have your dreams and aspirations and, resolutions be fulfilled in 2011!!  You have found Yoga and that is a lot to be grateful for. Let us all remember how much this gift has given to us and our Loved ones. In the past two months I have missed all of you and have become so much more aware of how blessed I am for everyone I know through this practice. Whether we have gotten to know each other personally or, have just exchanged smiles and "Hello"'s, we still share the same Love and energy for this sacred art that is so reflective of life. Sometimes life goes up and, sometimes down but, if you just stay focused and breathe deeper, you will become stronger and happier just like you do in class. Do not allow the low tide of life to make you vulnerable and let you forget that you are a Soul living out this short term in a temporary vehicle. The tests of life are just practices of challenging postures and lifting weights, that are sure to only build your character and "life" muscles. Keep your vehicle running smoothly and your Soul will rise higher and quicker. As each year goes by you will constantly and pleasantly be surprised of how much you've changed. Remain steadfast in your practice and you will only benefit, in every way. I promise :)
   I am back in Kolkata now and, will be flying out tomorrow night. It has been a month filled with so much experience I regret to say it would not all fit into this blog. I also wish that I had not the technical complications with my picture files and discs that have prevented me from posting my experiences in the different places I visited. Once I get back home I will definitely post everything that I meant to. So stay tuned.

  All my Love and New Years wishes to You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay Blessed


~ Elia